Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dogs to the Rescue!

This morning when I went to walk Adorabella and her newly rescued sister, Carly, I found that the front door was open and ajar!  Now, this hardly ever happens, but when it does, it's beyond unsettling.  We all know that I have a fertile imagination and an open door throws it into overdrive.  "Is an escaped mass murderer inside looting the place?  Is one or both of the owners hurt, or worse, dead?"  Of couse the obvious, someone left and didn't pull the door tight, is way at the bottom of my list of possible disaster scenarios.  And so, after the inevitable should I or shouldn't I, I went in.  Adorabella and Carly were excited to see me as always and all the valuables seemed to be intact.  So far, so good!  A thorough examination of the premises turned up nothing traumatic and after confirming with Adorabella's mom that everyone was OK, I went about my business.

Now, I should tell you that Carly is a fairly recent addition to Adorabella's family and she's a wonderful girl!  She and Adorabella have bonded like littermates; you couldn't ask for a better situation, except for one tiny little glitch.  Carly is having a difficult time mastering the whole housetraining concept, and this morning was no exception.  Sure enough, right in front of the TV was a hefty pile of you-know-what.  I cleaned it up and off we went for our walk, but as we were walking I started to think.  Hmmm, maybe the mess wasn't really an accident; maybe this dog is even smarter than we all think.  The more I thought, the more I became convinced that the morning's events went something like this. 

When the girls were all alone in the house, Adorabella noticed that the front door was open.  "Carly, look!  Daddy didn't close and lock the front door and Mommy's already gone!  What are we gonna do?!"  Carly, who was busily snacking on a brand new, hand embroidered silk throw pillow, looked up at her sister.  "Huh?  Let me see."  She walked over to the open door, thought for a few moments, then snapped her paw pads.  "I know exactly what to do! Adorabella, help me drag this wee wee pad over in front of the TV.  Now watch, first I'll pee on the pad.  (She pees.)  Now, I'll poop next to the pad."  (She poops.)  "Carly!  exclaimed Avery.  You know Mommy and Daddy get very mad when you do that in the house!"  "I know, but this time it's for their own good.  See how it's almost the same color as the hardwood floors.  If anyone comes in to steal the TV, they'll notice the soiled wee wee pad, but they won't notice the poop on the floor because it blends in.  To get to the TV they'll have to step in the poop which will leave a perfect footprint.  Then the police will be able to match the poopy footprint to the perp and the case will be solved!  Remember O.J. and his Bruno Maglis?"  "Carly, you're a genius!"  "Hey, I grew up on the mean streets of New York!  I'm a rescue, remember?  Don't you watch CSI when Mommy and Daddy have it on?"  "Sometimes, but I usually fall asleep", confessed Adorabella.  " So, what do we do now?"  "We wait", said Carly.

And so they waited.  Patiently.  It was a very clever plan.  It would have been brilliant even, if they had actually caught a perp.  Instead, they snagged the poor, unsuspecting dogwalker, innocently doing her job, cleaning up the messy wee wee pad!  Oh well, in every job you have to deal with a little s*&#.  But at least, in my case, I can say that I love every minute of it!